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Fayetteville AR

Land Area43.4 sq mi
Water Area1.1 sq mi
House Value (Q3 2003)$116000
Cost of living index (100 is national average)105
Median household income$31345
School achievement index (0 - 100)20.35
Crime index (0 - 100 lower number is better)53
Median AQI value (lower number is better)35
Medical site index (0 - 100)55
Closest Major HighwayUS-62
Mean temperature58F
Nature and recreation index (0 - 100)32
Culture index (0 - 100)35
Shopping Index (0 - 100)59
Closest major metropolitan areaKansas City, KS

Cost of living info for Fayetteville, AR

School report for Fayetteville, AR

Crime statistics for Fayetteville, AR

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  51 miles. Fort Smith, AR (pop. 80414)
  71 miles. Muskogee, OK (pop. 38317)

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