County | King | ZipCode | 98055 - 98059 | Population | 49894 | Land Area | 17 sq mi | Water Area | 0.3 sq mi | House Value (Q3 2003) | $250000 | Cost of living index (100 is national average) | 128 | Median household income | $45820 | School achievement index (0 - 100) | 51.08 | Crime index (0 - 100 lower number is better) | 81 | Median AQI value (lower number is better) | 35 | Medical site index (0 - 100) | 80 | Closest Major Highway | I-405 | Mean temperature | 53F | Nature and recreation index (0 - 100) | 65 | Culture index (0 - 100) | 51 | Shopping Index (0 - 100) | 81 | Closest major metropolitan area | Seattle, WA |
| Cost of living info for Renton, WA School report for Renton, WA Crime statistics for Renton, WA Complete report for Renton, WA | Find city like Renton, WA in state: | Compare Renton, WA with | If you make $ in Renton, WA then check how much you would need to make in | Look at neighboring city reports: 7 miles. Kent, WA (pop. 79325) 8 miles. Bellevue, WA (pop. 109189) 12 miles. Seattle, WA (pop. 563375) 13 miles. Auburn, WA (pop. 40279) 13 miles. Redmond, WA (pop. 45389) |