Finding the right place to live isn't always easy. There are many factors to
consider, and these factors are different for different people. The schools in
a city have to be carefully considered before you plan to relocate anywhere
within the United States of America. The quality of schools is often the single
most important factor that will heavily influence your decisions, no matter
what other factors you may be considering. Whether you are moving from one city
to another or changing states altogether, you have to keep in mind the school
performance, the school ranks on standardized tests, as well as school
spending, student-teacher ratios, and other such fundamentals.
Town Hunter offers comprehensive information to anyone planning to move house
and relocate to a different city or state. Get city statistics at your
fingertips. As well showing the school quality for each city in the United
States, our website offers various resources on cost of living, crime, commute,
climate, demographics, environment and other important sides of a particular
city, town, or state.
Our School Report contains standardized test scores, student-teacher ratios,
school spending and dropout rates for each city or town in our extensive
We are applying our experience in data gathering, statistics, mathematics, and
software development to the creation of tools which will extract the “correct”
information based on individualized preferences and needs. We are committed to
providing you with an exhaustive database so that you find it easy to examine
the public school quality in the United States.